
Americans Download Chinese App, Realize America Isn’t As Nice As They Thought

Did you know this country has problems?

A lot of the things that make us “proud to be American” aren’t exactly unique to America. For example, while we may beat our chests and call ourselves the freest country on the planet, that apparently doesn’t include the freedom to visit the hospital without being in debt for the rest of our lives.

This is why travel can be so jarring for some Americans. Pop over to a different country and you’ll realize that, not only are they nice, but sometimes, they’re…in some ways… *gulp*... better than the United States! Can you imagine?

This idea recently came to the fore after people began downloading the Chinese app RedNote, a.k.a. Xiaohongshu. Upon seeing the lives of people in China, they realized that not only are things over there pretty swell, but that they don’t have to worry about some of the things that are standard worries for us in the States.

As a result, these users are taking to social media to tell people not to believe everything they read in the media. Not sure believing everything you see on the Chinese app is better, but I hear their point!


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